Registered Patents
Registered Patent Number | Priority Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Title |
KR10-2201609B | 2019-04-19 | Process for Preparing Naldemedine |
KR10-2054228B JP7144873B |
2018-05-28 | Process for Preparing Sugammadex Sodium |
KR10-1880939B KR10-1991710B US10865212B EP3564243B JP6920699B CN110139866B |
2017-01-02 2017-12-14 |
Intermediate for Preparing Eribulin Mesylate and Process for Preparing the Same |
KR10-2177992B US11142509B JP6967811B |
2017-11-09 | Intermediate for Preparing Eribulin Mesylate and Process for Preparing the Same |
KR10-2069205B US10870621B JP6980315B |
2017-08-09 | Process for Preparing Latanoprostene bunod and Intermediate Therefor |
KR10-2115285B US11382887B JP6931493 |
2017-06-22 | Eye Drop Composition for Treating Glaucoma |
KR10-1884729B KR10-1936375B JP6775809B JP7072273B CN109982992B |
2016-11-21 | Process for Preparing Eldecalcitol and Intermediate Therefor |
KR10-1830693B US10800737B EP3450421B JP6837494B CN109071406B |
2016-04-28 | Process for Preparing Treprostinil and Intermediate Therefor |
KR10-1777634B US10538539B EP3406604B JP6584696B CN108473454B |
2016-01-18 | Process for preparing 3-((2S,5S)-4-methylene-5-(3-oxopropyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)propanol derivative and intermediate therefor |
KR10-1045935B US9126898B JP5490155B |
2009-03-11 | Process for Preparing Prostaglandin Derivatives |